Badass Together! Girls.

Like I mentioned before, I used to hate running, but I learned to run regularly. Especially, after the coronavirus social distancing started, going outside to run or walk has been a very important daily routine for me. Also, since the 15-day push-up challenge my friend invited me to, I’ve been doing 20 regular push-ups, 25 knee push-ups, and 12 diamond knee push-ups.

After seeing myself accomplishing more push-ups than I thought I could do, I felt good, and I wanted to challenge myself more. So, I moved on to my own 15-day plank challenge, and I was able to do 2’31”. After that, I’ve been doing 2 minute plank every day. Now I’m in the middle of my 15-day squat challenge and I completed 50 of them today.

What I enjoy is not only doing this exercise. I have a workout buddy whom I report what I did every day. She also sends me her video and tells me what she does. We enjoy the mutual accountability. And there are other female friends with whom I exchange messages every now and then what kind of exercise we did. It’s nice to hear that they like my fitness challenge videos. Many people have told me I’m inspiring or motivating them.

I also have a female friend with whom I exchange food pictures. We took pictures of our healthy homemade meals. What we cooked. How it’s cooked. Preparing a nutritious food yourself is an act of self-care and self-love. I believe it’s such an important aspect to keep yourself not only physically but also emotionally healthy especially when you’re staying home all day and social-distancing.

With other female friends, I have conversations on healthy relationships with partners, children, or ourselves. Also we talk about healthy work relationships. I’m grateful I can be connected with amazing women who are working on themselves in many different aspects. They inspire me, and they motivate me!

So, I prepared this picture. This was originally for a group project, and I only wrote a work “together!” on a paper. But, after seeing the actual picture, I thought I wanted to use this picture for my female friends. So, I added the words “Badass” and “Girls” digitally. (Of course, I didn’t turn this one in for the project. I turned in the one that says just “together”)


I like this picture very much. It represents my female friends who are in different countries, working on themselves to self-care and self-love by keeping healthy and happy habits: Working out, cooking, communicating well with others and self, and drawing healthy boundaries at work.

You’re doing amazing! We support each other! We Badass together! Girls.

Tomomi Kumai