15-Push-Up for 15 Days Challenge Completed

You’ll have lovely arms by the end of the month, I promise!!!
— My friend Kia

15 days ago, I saw my friend Kia’s Facebook video post. She was doing push-ups saying that she’ll do 15 push-ups every day for 15 days. I was so attracted by the words “lovely arms,” but I wasn’t sure if I could do so many push-ups. She asked me if I wanted to join her, so I said, I wanna give it a try.

Then, my challenge started. On Day 1, I tried to do the real hard-core push up with the arms so close to the body and the result was… I couldn’t even do one regular push-up. Then I tried knee push-ups, and I was able to do just three. I knew I wasn’t good at push-ups, but I couldn’t believe I was so bad at doing push-ups! Defeat!

As I posted these video clips of my Day 1, I was surprised how many people cheered for me. People didn’t see ithese videos as a defeat. I even received an advice to open my arm a little wider, so I can do better. It seemed like people liked my being honest about what I can do. It seemed my vulnerability and authenticity were welcomed very much.

One decision I made was that I don’t have to do 15 a day. I told myself “let’s just stop at wherever I can do the most, but just make sure I’ll do more next day.” I followed my own rule and kept doing the push-ups everyday and posting the videos. I even added diamond push-ups from Day 3 although I can’t go down deep but just 1/2 or 1/3 deep.


Finally, today was Day 15. Today, I was able to do 16 regular push-ups and 20 knee push-ups and 1/2 x 7 = 3.5 diamond push-ups. My arms got a little more definition than 15 days ago! But more than physical change, the mental change is more impactful. 15 days ago, I always doubted about my push-up ability, but now I have confidence I can do at least 15, and I ENJOY doing push-ups.

One thing I learned from this challenge is that, I enjoy increasing the challenge little by little. Just like how I started running, it seems that for me, starting if off very simple and easy and adding a small improvement everyday is the best way to build comfidence and perseverance. Now I kmow my tendency, I can apply it to other aspects of my life.

I’m so proud of myself that I was able to finish all 15 days. I even feel like I wanna continue this habit. This sense of accomplishment makes me feel very good. What habit do I wanna add next?

HealthTomomi Kumai