With My Whole Heart for My Whole Life

May 2nd, is our wedding anniversary. We got married in Las Vegas on May 2nd, 2019 so it was our very 1st anniversary.


We dated about 3.5 years before we got married. During these 3.5 years, we had lots of challenges including Ty’s cancer and Sam’s going back to the states for 2 years. Despite these challenges, we managed to stay in our relationship.

I remember after dating him for about 2 years, he mentioned that he could live with me. He did not say “marriage,” but he said he wanted me to come to San Antonio to live with him. Because we both have experience of going through divorce, Sam was careful when it came to marriage. Also, he was done with his child-raising, but I had two small kids. And… especially… one is handicapped and going though cancer.

So, we didn’t talk about marriage so much, I couldn’t ask him what he though about it much. That’s why when he mentioned he wanted to live with me, I thought we became really close. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to marry him. So, I wrote on my journal.

I’ll thank Sam my whole life if he marries me

After marriage, it’s true that sometimes I complained and sometimes I criticized him. I didn’t know how to deal with who he is just because some of the things he does are different from how I do things. And sometimes it seemed impossible for us to understand how the other does things.

But on one year anniversary, I appreciate our marriage. I appreciate him for being there for me. There are things we still don’t fully understand about each other, but we feel that we’re doing our best to understand, and we’re actually doing better. So I made this YouTube video message to him.


He saw the message, and he was happy. To my surprise, he told me he’s willing to share his perspective in a video with me. I totally didn’t see this coming since he’s a kind of shy, or introverted person. So, I was super happy to do this collaboration with him. And here’s the video.


Wow, I was so impressed what a great speaker Sam is! And how his message is nicely organized. Out of my 11 YouTube videos, this one is the 4th most watched one next to my first birthday message, and two Adversity to Advocacy videos. I really enjoyed collaborating with Sam, and I want him to be on my video as often as possible!

This little project made us even more closer. I’m thankful Sam is being so understanding and open minded. I love Sam and I am grateful to him with my whole heart for my whole life.